Kellogg Community Federal Credit Union Online Banking – We are excited to announce that our Marshall branch will be moving to a new location in 2022. KCCU recently moved into a historic building located at 107 N. Park Avenue, across the street from the Brooks Memorial Fountain and down the street from the current his branch.
The new branches will offer KCCU members more convenient ways to bank with bank banking and 24-hour ATMs. We will continue to offer full one-stop financial services, including day-to-day transaction support. high dividend savings and checking accounts; auto and other loans; mortgages; investment services; Commercial accounts including loans – a global and local service that every KCCU member deserves.
Kellogg Community Federal Credit Union Online Banking
“We have been involved in the Marshall community for 13 years, and during that time we have enjoyed building relationships with people in the community and local businesses,” said Tracy Miller, KCCU CEO. “The new location will allow us to improve the member experience through the branch or by walking into the branch. We look forward to serving existing members as well as new members and businesses in our large new building. We encourage the community to come and see us when we open. I hope to see you.’
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In the coming months, KCCU will be working to renovate the new permanent housing site next to the Marshall Spring. KCCU will be located next to Family Fare at 15877 W. Michigan Ave until their new branch opens. Members will continue to serve in their current location. Stay tuned for updates on KCCU’s social media pages in the coming months.
Share: Share on Facebook: KCCU to open new convenient branch in downtown Marshall Share to Twitter: KCCU to open new convenient branch in downtown Marshall Photo Caption: Rory Ross, KCCU Vice President of Marketing Margot Trammell, Youth Marketing Director, American Heart Association check $1,000
KCCU is proud to donate $1,000 to support the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Kids Heart Challenge. The funds are being used as part of the Adopt a School program and will significantly support Comstock Public Schools’ STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Academy.
Increasing the physical activity of students; The Kids Heart Challenge encourages heart-healthy behaviors by committing to drinking more water and taking good action. The Kids’ Heart Challenge, formerly known as the Jump Rope for Heart initiative, includes activities to get students’ hearts racing: jumping rope; offers four obstacle-style events that support the activities of Basketball Dance and the American Heart Association.
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Over the past year, with the COVID pandemic, schools have increased their demand for physical education tools due to virtual learning and sanitation needs. To complicate matters, school equipment budgets continue to shrink. KCCU saw an opportunity to address this issue by sponsoring the Kids Heart Challenge Adopt a School, where Comstock Public School’s STEM Academy was recognized with a generous $1,000 donation to the American Heart Association. The money will go towards a gift card to the school to purchase PE equipment of their choice, in addition to promoting healthy behaviours.
“Kellogg Community Credit Union is proud to partner with the American Heart Association,” said Tracy Miller, KCCU CEO. “The Children’s Heart Challenge supports the physical, social and emotional health of students. With the aftermath of last year’s outbreak, we understand how important it is to support the students and schools in our community. We hope that STEM Academy will be able to purchase new equipment with our support to provide students with a healthy heart that helps them continue to practice the behaviors that they are.”
“Generous gifts from organizations like Kellogg Community Credit Union not only raise awareness but also raise critical funds for heart disease research,” said Margot Trammell, director of youth marketing for the American Heart Association, “having a lasting impact on our communities and lives to our next generation.”
Share: Share on Facebook: KCCU supports the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge Share on Twitter: KCCU supports the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge In a world where apps can do almost everything for our lives. The humble text message brought life to everyone – it’s still going strong. Unfortunately, however, texting has come under attack as one of the most vulnerable means of identity theft.
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Smishing scams are scams that use their bank or credit union; Like email phishing scams, they target victims by sending an email that looks like it’s from an ISP or business of their choice. Smishing scams use text messages instead of emails, but their goal is the same as phishing scams: to contact the victim and gain access to their personal information.
The scam begins with an urgent message that is chosen by the victim’s financial institution. Sometimes they are from a bank or credit union they have never done business with.
The text says that the victim’s checking account has been blocked and the victim must take immediate action to recover it. In other words, Text can alert the victim to a large unauthorized purchase being charged to their account. The fraudster warns the victim that they will be liable for the transaction if they do not refuse payment immediately. Although there are more differences. They will always convey a sense of urgency to induce terror and quick, unconscious obedience.
The victim is then instructed to call a specific number and is then asked to share personal financial information. Once he has this information, the fraudster steals the victim’s identity; They are free to delete their accounts or buy the victim’s toys.
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Smishing scams mainly target users of mobile banking apps and websites. People who use their phones to manage their accounts don’t hesitate when financial institutions contact them via text message. Unfortunately, these scams are often successful.
Online banking users aren’t the only ones who need to guard against inconvenience. Scammers have spread their web and recently started sending messages to every cell phone they can get their hands on.
If you have a checking account and a mobile phone; You may be at risk of potential fraud.
You know what to look for; You will probably spot the scam at first glance.
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First, KCCU does not use text messages to notify you of your account suspension. We prefer to use more popular contact methods to ensure your privacy and personal security.
Our fraud department may send a text to confirm recent purchases, but we always include the last four digits of the offline card in question. If you are not sure whether the scam alert is valid or not. Pick up the phone and call directly using the number on the back of your card.
You can also spot a malicious scam just by looking at the phone number. The text is usually extracted from a significant number. Otherwise, it looks like one of your contacts is reporting a problem with your account. In that case, ask your friend (instead of replying directly to the message) if they really sent it. They don’t know what you’re talking about. Someone is using their number to scam you.
If you receive text that you suspect is a scam, do not enter the text. Write down the scammer’s number and delete the message. Tell us about your great efforts and tell all your friends! You can also report to the FTC at ftc.gov to catch scammers.
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If you come across such a scam and your accounts are compromised; Be sure to notify your credit card companies as well as us. We can help you mitigate the damage and regain control of your finances.
You can’t protect your phone from these scams, but you can. There are some proactive steps you can take to protect your device and your money.
Most credit unions require two-factor login, but if you can afford not to take that extra step, don’t. It’s not worth the extra risk.
Miscellaneous accounts; Never use your password twice on websites and apps. Make sure passwords are strong and unique. Consider using a password manager like Dashlane or 1Password.
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Never click on links in a text message from an unknown sender or if you are not sure who the person is.
Ignore text messages from unknown numbers, even if they don’t alert you to a problem with your accounts. A text from an unknown source can be a scammer’s first attempt to establish a connection and determine whether he is ready for future scams.
Always be on the lookout for scams. Don’t fall for these scammers.
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