Criminal Defense Lawyer West Palm Beach

Criminal Defense Lawyer West Palm Beach

Criminal Defense Lawyer West Palm Beach – Having a trusted law firm on your side that is well equipped to handle a wide variety of defense cases is essential when facing a criminal case. experience Preparation and confidence are three things our top attorneys have. At this time, it is very important and very beneficial for customers. Patrick R. McKamey; PA At PA Law Office. Our West Palm Beach law firm is ready to provide you with the legal advice and representation you need.

Patrick R. McKamey, P.A. at Law Offices We understand the importance of having a West Palm Beach law firm you can trust during these difficult and life-changing times. Having an experienced legal representative will certainly be beneficial when filing a lawsuit. A criminal defense attorney can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need right now; We can help file and manage court cases, among other things.

Criminal Defense Lawyer West Palm Beach

Contact the Law Offices of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A. (561) 370-7424 when you are looking for a trustworthy criminal defense firm in West Palm Beach. criminal defense; DUI defense; Drug Enforcement We are well equipped to handle a wide range of criminal matters, including child protection and federal criminal defense. Call today to speak with one of our leading experts. Kevin has handled thousands of cases in Palm Beach County and local courts. Best of all, They know how to effectively protect you against criminal activity.

Criminal Cases We Handle

Felony Defense If you are facing felony charges in Florida. You need an experienced attorney on your side.

Crimes are classified as misdemeanors or misdemeanors, and misdemeanors have severe penalties. Crimes are petty offenses such as theft or rioting, while felonies include murder, which includes aggravated assault and theft.

If you are charged with a crime in Palm Beach County. You deserve strong representation from an experienced attorney. Kevin Peterford to fight your case; We can help protect your rights and ensure the best results for you.

Crime can be punished by fines; Punishments include house arrest or imprisonment. The exact sentence depends on the circumstances, but wrongful convictions often have lifelong consequences.

West Palm Beach Law Office Law Office

Felonies carry a minimum sentence of imprisonment and serious lifelong consequences. While in prison, in addition to heavy fines and other legal consequences, criminals also lose the following rights:

Offenders need to find jobs in the future. Difficulty in applying for credit and travel. Criminal charges are serious and should not be taken lightly. If you have been charged with a crime; Finding a criminal defense attorney in Florida is an important part of fighting your case. According to the law, you are innocent until proven guilty. Don’t take chances – protect yourself with the help of experienced Palm Beach County criminal defense attorney Kevin Peterford.

Kevin Peterford, a former judge, sat on the other side of the court. He has handled hundreds of DUI cases and adjudicated more than 30 convictions.

Kevin Peterford, a former judge, sat on the other side of the court. He has tried hundreds of cases and more than 25 verdicts. With extensive experience in the field of criminal litigation and DUI; Kevin makes a convincing argument every time.

Dui Aid: West Palm Beach Attorney For Criminal Defense

Kevin has tried over 25 cases to verdict. In 2018, he was recognized for handling several trials in Palm Beach County.

As a former judge and trial attorney, Kevin has been involved in hundreds of cases in the state of Florida.

If you have been charged with a crime in Florida. You deserve strong representation from an experienced attorney. Kevin Peterford to fight your case; We can help protect your rights and ensure the best results for you.

Common third-degree felonies include grand theft (value of stolen property not more than $750 but less than $20,000); violent assault; Third-degree DUI and resisting arrest.

Criminal Defense Attorney

Common second-degree felonies include aggravated assault; DUI Homicide; This includes selling marijuana to a minor and possessing a firearm while committing another crime.

Common first-degree felonies include aggravated assault; child abuse; home invasion ride includes robbery and aggravated assault.

The most common crimes that kill people are robbery, murder, robbery with a gun or other deadly weapon.

Trafficking in a controlled substance is a felony punishable by mandatory imprisonment and a fine of up to $500,000.

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Common crimes include money laundering; first degree murder; Includes armed robbery and murder of persons under 12 years of age.

Conviction can result in lifelong consequences, including prison sentences and heavy fines. Working with a trustworthy and experienced attorney is the best way to protect your rights. If you have been charged with a crime; It is important to understand the key steps an attorney can use to defend you.

This defense involves proving that you committed the crime you are charged with. To prove your innocence. Defense attorney testifies; You can gather experts to testify and prove that your alibi is accurate.

This form of self-defense is often attacked; They are used in attacks or murders. To defend yourself effectively, you must work with your attorney to prove in court that using violence in self-defense is dangerous.

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The Constitution requires that a person be charged with a crime. Whether or not you have been convicted of a crime, if your attorney uses a constitutional defense:

The last line of defense is the insanity defense; This means you were not in your right mind when you committed the crime you are charged with. This is a very difficult process because you need to prove that your lawyer cannot distinguish between right and wrong when committing a crime.

Find a trustworthy attorney to handle your case to protect your rights and have the best chance of a fair trial. Working with an experienced and compassionate attorney is essential to protecting your future.

When the crime is serious, if you are facing serious criminal charges in Florida. You need an experienced attorney on your side.

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Criminal justice lines are often confused with the circumstances of the crime. previous criminal history; Possession of a gun or deadly weapon and the age of the victim can make the offender more criminal. These facts may elevate the felony charge to first or second degree.

For example, Although a fourth DUI is a misdemeanor, a DUI offense is generally considered a misdemeanor. It is recommended to consult a doctor to reduce blood sugar levels.

Don’t wait too long because every minute counts. Contact Kevin today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case in detail.

A felony DUI is an event that often gets out of control. This can help you when building defenses.

West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog

With many years of experience, As a former prosecutor, Kevin has unique experience in the courtroom. They understand Florida law and can help you build a successful defense.

The crimes are serious – a conviction can have lifelong consequences. However, All is not lost. As our laws state, all men are innocent until proven guilty. Self defence; Diligence, loss of ability; And there are many legal protections for criminals, among other things. Kevin Peterford knows this defense because he has seen it from every side of the field. They will work with you to develop a comprehensive defense and ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case.

A fourth DUI offense or a third DUI offense that occurs within 10 years of a previous DUI offense is considered a second-degree offense in Florida. Other factors that increase a DUI charge to a felony include the death or injury of another person or the presence of children in the vehicle.

Kevin Peterford is a private DUI attorney handling all misdemeanor and misdemeanor cases in Palm Beach County. A felony DUI is an event that often gets out of control. This can help you when building defenses.

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Depending on the details of the drug case, the offender may be prosecuted. Human trafficking is often prosecuted and possession of drugs and guns is also a crime. Selling drugs to children or possessing drugs near a drug-free zone can also result in criminal charges.

Drug cases are complex and a strong defense can keep you from being prosecuted. Most drug charges require a minimum sentence; That is why having an experienced attorney like Kevin is essential to achieving a successful outcome.

The right to bear arms is protected by our Second Amendment rights, but criminals do not have that right. It’s easy to own a gun if you have a criminal record.

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