Used Enduro Motorcycles For Sale – Dual sport bikes these days are amazing. They are on par with dedicated dirt bikes in terms of performance, weight and technology. But man, are they expensive! It’s hard to get out the door with a new Beta, KTM or Husky for less than $10,000. This sends many of us to the used bike market in search of a deal.
This listing is for bikes that are at least 10 years old. They are rated for value and ability to handle dust. The bikes selected represent the middle of the bell curve in terms of size. We have not included large adventure bikes or small RV bumper bikes.
Used Enduro Motorcycles For Sale
We have to put these bikes at the top of the list because they smell so bad. But they are not cheap. It’s hard to find old EXCs for sale because people hold on to them until they die. So expect to pay a premium of around $6,000. The reason KTM trades are so high on the list is because you get your investment back when you sell the bike. If the bike is sold. Click here for a feature on the 2010 KTM 530.
Used Honda Xr250l Dual Enduro Off Road For Sale In Hanoi
KTM first made the EXC line street legal in 2007, then Husqvarna proved it could be done. In 2007, KTM was still building the old RFS engine, but don’t let that put you off. This motorcycle is excellent by all standards in both 450 and 525 (510cc) configurations. The only problem is that most ’07s go into the ground and still run about $4,500.
The Suzuki was a great bike and is still too old compared to the KTM at the top of the list. It’s not as light, powerful or well-suspended as modern dual-sport bikes. But the price is right. A Suzuki DR-Z can be found in good condition for around $3,000. Age and condition play a big role, as the Suzuki has remained largely unchanged throughout its long production run.
This bike makes this list because we love it. But you may never know. In 2008, KTM introduced a new engine for its dual sport bike, but continued to produce the old RFS engine for the Beta. The RS line was 100 percent street legal and the engine was amazing. Unfortunately, fewer than 100 were imported in ’08. The numbers have improved slightly over time. Beta will release its own engine in the following years. This photo is of an ’08 model RR.
This bike has been the virtual definition of dual sport for decades. It has remained unchanged since its introduction in 1992. It’s a lot of work. It sounds pretty dated these days, but take a look around the Rider Ergos and you’ll see it still works well. In fact, the suspension is excellent. If not modified, the air-cooled engine will not be damaged. Prices can range anywhere, but remember the MSRP for new is $6899.
Used 2023 Ktm 690 Enduro R For Sale In Ontario, Ca
In some states, this is a slightly higher risk purchase. In California and Nevada, the DMV can change its mind and revoke a license plate, even if it’s been on the bike for years. In states that don’t care, like Arizona, Vermont, and Florida, you can usually get a toaster number. Bottom line: if you live in a tight spot and your XR400R, XR600R, or XR650R license plate is legit, it can add $1,000 to the value of the bike. But tomorrow may be gone.
In 2006, Husqvarna was the first company to make a regular dirt bike street legal with minimal equipment. It was a great motorcycle, but very rare. BMW didn’t buy Husqvarna until 2007 and the quantity and quality didn’t improve until a few years later. But any 2006 model you can find, these flaws are now fixable and will cost around $3,000. Parts availability for the Italian Husky is currently good. This bike has been re-released by a company called SWM. Click here for more information on SWM.
Good luck finding the street for a 2006 Husky TE250. They brought only a handful. It was a good bike and more were made over time. It was replaced in 2010 with a new fuel-injected motorcycle, but it was slow the first year. The later TE310s and 250s are fantastic, but newer and more expensive than the bikes we’re used to. Expect to pay around $2,800 for a t-shirt in good condition. Carburetor-based 310s are few and far between, but they cost around $3,500.
It’s hard to believe that the classic XR250L has been out of production for almost 20 years. Honda made a bunch of them between ’91 and ’96 and they’re all out there, running great. The 250 wasn’t very fast, but it was light enough and had good suspension for the time. There’s no electric start, so make do with it. You can get a nice XR for around $1,700.
Used Enduro For Sale
The DR seems to be a bit forgotten these days, but it was a beloved bike back in the day. The Doctor was the subject of numerous hooking attempts during this time, but he resisted them all. It was best in stock form. It was an electric start, air-conditioned bike with good power and suspension. Its downside was the weight, typical of dual sport bikes of the time. They are in a completely different position there. A good price is $2000. There is no price for evil.
If you’ve got a little more in the bank and don’t want to rebuild a 10-year-old dual-sport, you’re in luck—there are plenty of options. Despite regulation and stricter emission standards, dual sport bikes continue to improve. However, one trend is disappointing. Bicycles become more resistant to wear and tear over time. You can modify anything you want, but the newer the bike, the harder the job. Beware of a used fuel dual sport bike. If it is not rebuilt, it will perform worse than stock. Here are our top ten picks for used dual sport bikes from the last few decades based on dirt value, performance, reliability and value.
In 2012, we got the first of the fuel-injected KTM dual-sport bikes, but back then EPA emissions and noise regulations weren’t as strict as they are now. The EXC still had kick-start levers and performance was good in stock configuration. Congratulations if you find a camp. Most are improvised and not good. Hop-ups are a bit tricky – most owners either replace the Euro model’s black box or use a fuel reformer. If you can find a six-day version of the 450EXC, it’s the best of the breed. The 350 is also good, but a little harder to find.
For 2011, KTM’s dual sport bikes had Keihin FCR carburetors. There was both a 530 and a 450, but the 530 was more popular. Performance isn’t that different and both work well in stock form. If you want a little more performance, you can ditch the carb (a JD drain kit sells for about $80) and change the stock intake. This bike tops the list for its value alone. You can find in the $3000 range, but condition varies greatly on this old bike.
Beta Evo 250,300 Rr 250,300 For Sales
In 2017, 350 engines were old. KTM and Husqvarna 350cc dual sport bikes are great, but keep in mind that both bikes will struggle more in 2017. KTM was no longer considered a small factory that would fly under the EFA’s radar. It takes someone who knows his stuff to be tough. In the used market, you can find KTM and Husky 350s interchangeably. Husky has link suspension while KTM uses PDS and there are differences in airbox, brakes and other components. Both are expensive to buy new and make a lot of sense, but if price is anything to go by, they are the best dual sport bikes on the market.
We consider the latest Beta RR-S models to be the hidden gems of the dual sport class. There are four different sizes: 350, 390, 430 and 500. All are based on the same platform, differing only in bore and stroke. In 2015, the Beta received Dual-Sports fuel injection and it was good for them. Since the company is small enough to pass most EPA emissions and noise regulations, you get a little more performance in stock form, and modifications are pretty easy. Beta four knocks before refueling, they get a little rough and tumble as they get older. The very first beta-production four-strokes were notoriously difficult to start, despite electric start and cranking.
No surprises here. The latest generation of Husqvarna dual sport motorcycles is a great machine. The only reason it is not expensive is the price. Even used, these bikes are often in the $9,000 range. In terms of engine performance, the bike is very quiet
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