Personal Injury Car Accident Settlement – Many people who have been injured in a rear end car accident in Maryland seek a fair settlement value for their case. No one wants to lose through an insurance company. These companies spend a lot of time training their insurance adjusters on how to recover from you. So a fair settlement value is not something you get easily. As I’ll explain below, I think that “fair settlement value” is the wrong lens when approaching settlement of an after-the-fact accident case. But let’s start with this prophecy.
On this page, we try to give you an idea of what a reasonable settlement offer should look like for a rear end car accident case. Rear-end accidents are the most common type of vehicle crash, accounting for more than 40% of all accidents. Not surprisingly, rear-end accidents generate the most personal injury claims. Our Maryland car accident attorneys have handled literally thousands of follow-up cases. We know these cases well. We have a solid understanding of what a fair settlement offer should look like.
Personal Injury Car Accident Settlement
Not all rear end car accident cases have the same settlement value. The value of a back-end incident case settlement depends on several key factors. But the most important factor that drives the value of these cases is the severity of the victim’s physical injuries. The more serious the plaintiff’s injuries, the higher the settlement value.
What Is The Average Personal Injury Settlement Amount?
Based on the extent of the injury, the plaintiff’s physical injuries can be categorized into 3 levels of severity to give you some range of value for subsequent accident cases.
Level 1 is the lowest (most serious) level of physical injury. Level 1 injuries include minor physical injuries that do not require surgery or extensive medical treatment and usually heal within 4-6 weeks. Level 1 includes common car accident injuries such as neck and back sprains, concussions, whiplash and other types of “soft tissue” injuries. With few exceptions, treatment for level 1 injuries is limited to physical therapy and pain management. Damages in a Level 1 injury case usually include pain and suffering and medical expenses.
Level 2 covers serious injuries that involve more physical damage and require more extensive medical treatment. Common examples of Level 2 car accident injuries include broken arms, broken legs, herniated discs, and burns. Knee and shoulder injuries such as torn rotator cuffs or ALC/MCL tears also fall into Level 2. Grade 2 injuries are distinguished by the severity of physical damage, and these injuries usually require more than physical therapy and pain management. Level 2 injuries usually require significant medical treatment, such as surgery. Level 2 injuries often result in substantial claims for permanent physical disabilities and lost wages.
The most serious rear crash injuries fall into Level 3. Level 3 injuries are those that result in death or permanent disability. Examples of Level 3 car accident injuries include death, brain damage, loss of limbs, or paralysis.
Why Is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?
Rear-end car accidents with Level 1 injuries are at the lowest end of the car accident settlement scale. The typical settlement limit for a Level 1 injury in Maryland is between $10,000 and $25,000. Whether an individual’s case falls within this range depends on the amount of treatment (resulting costs) and whether the plaintiff has a claim. For lost wages. Another factor that can affect the final settlement is whether the case is in Maryland’s jurisdiction. Some counties (eg, Baltimore City, Prince George’s County) are very plaintiff-friendly, so cases in these jurisdictions may have more value.
Below are examples of recent settlements and verdicts involving rear-end accident cases involving what we classify as Level 1 injuries.
$17,500 (Anne Arundel 2019): Treatment is limited to neck sprain, shoulder sprain, physical therapy, pain medication, no wage loss.
$36,000 (Baltimore County 2018): Back and neck sprains. The plaintiff claims she suffered chronic and permanent pain and should seek lost wages.
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$32,000 (Montgomery 2015): Soft tissue injuries in the neck can cause headaches and numbness. The complainant said that apart from the medical expenses, he also lost his salary.
The average settlement value for rear-end car accident cases in which the plaintiff suffered Level 2 bodily injuries is between $60,000 and $110,000. This is a much wider value range compared to Level 1 injury cases. Because Level 2 injuries vary in severity and the medical treatment required. For example, take the case of a broken arm. Depending on the location of the fracture (upper or lower arm) and the type of fracture, the treatment required can vary from a simple cast to extensive orthopedic surgery with internal hardware. This is why Level 2 injury cases have a wider range of settlement value.
$80,000 (Baltimore City 2019): A woman in her mid-40s suffered a broken right umbilical cord. No extensive surgery is required.
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$90,000 (Baltimore City 2019): A 66-year-old woman suffered a double arm fracture that required multiple surgeries and internal fixation hardware. No claim for lost wages.
$200,000 (Carroll 2019): Multiple fractures of the upper arm in a rear-end accident with a dump truck. The treatment involves several surgeries. Widespread loss of wages.
$200,000 (Baltimore County 2018): Rear-end accident on Beltway. The complainant was suffering from a herniated disc associated with nerves. Treatment includes spinal fusion surgery and nerve immobilization.
$164,000 (Prince George 2018): A 51-year-old woman with a herniated disc in her spine. Treatment is limited to physical therapy and steroid injections.
How Does A Personal Injury Case Work?
A typical value range for a Maryland rear end car accident case with Level 3 injuries is between $200,000 and $400,000. This is just an average range. Level 3 injury cases will have a much higher value. Rear-end crashes are low-impact crashes, so we don’t see many rear-end crashes that result in Level 3 injuries. While rear-end crashes do result in Level 3 injuries, the most common are severe brain injuries and damage to internal organs (for example, a ruptured spleen).
$150,000 (Baltimore County 2022): Plaintiff alleges injuries to her head, neck, back, torso and legs, including $30,000 in past medical expenses.
$100,000 (Anne Arundel 2019): A passenger suffered a ruptured spleen in a rear-end accident. The treatment is surgical removal of the spleen.
$1,650,000 (Baltimore County 2017): A young driver was stranded on the shoulder of the road after running out of gas. A distracted driver pulls onto the shoulder and crashes into him from behind, killing him instantly.
Understanding Pain And Suffering In Car Accident Settlements
$1,500,000 (Baltimore City 2016): A 20-year-old driver died after a flat tire pulled a truck onto the shoulder of the highway and rear-ended him.
When I represent a client, I’m not shooting for a fair settlement value. I want to get more than the settlement value of the case. You want to argue that I don’t seek justice? I understand enough. But the goal of the insurance company is not to give you a fair settlement value. Their goal is to tear you down. If one side is shooting to crush you and the other is shooting for justice, how do you think those cases will end? The answer is somewhere south of fair settlement value. So I think the fair value objective is wrong. Hire the best Maryland rear end car accident attorney you can find and tell that attorney to fight to get you every last penny.
You’re asking the wrong person, aren’t you? If you have an attorney, accepting or rejecting a settlement offer is a personal decision that should be made based on your individual circumstances and goals. Your legal adviser can provide guidance and support, but the decision is yours.
But if this is your current choice, I can give you a framework for making the decision:
How To Calculate A Personal Injury Settlement
If you’ve been injured in a rear-end car accident, you’re back in the wheelhouse of my company. Contact the Maryland car accident lawyers at Miller & Zois at 800-553-8082 or contact us online for a free consultation. If you’ve been in a car accident, you may be wondering how long it will take to settle a personal injury claim—especially if you’re having trouble paying for medical care or other expenses related to your accident. Medical bills and optimism about how your recovery will go can make you eager to settle your case as quickly as possible, perhaps even for less than you should have paid for your damages.
However, it can take months or in some cases years to get a proper solution. It depends on the details of your case and the severity of your injury. An experienced personal injury attorney can handle your case as efficiently as possible without compromising your settlement.
Here are some situations that can affect the length of your case and what you can do about it
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