Craigslist Des Moines Iowa Furniture – Des Moines police are looking for four suspects involved in a Craigslist-related robbery. Check out this story Lucky Lavan, 18, thought he was doing everything right by meeting potential clients in a community parking lot on the west side of Merle Hay Mall. Lowan wanted to sell his Air Jordan basketball shoes on Sunday, but when alleged buyers showed up, Lowan told police they stole the shoes and threatened him with a gun. This is the risk that most people expect to find when they log on to Craigslist. good thing Rick Holland turns to Craigslist in hopes of finding loyal buyers for things like his 1967 Ford Fairlane. He also uses the site to make many purchases. Holland is like most people who use the site regularly and have no problems. But not everyone is so lucky. Seeing other situations like Lowen’s has prompted the Ankeny Police Department to offer its parking lots for Craigslist transactions. Everything is videotaped there, so if there is an incident, it will be recorded,” said Detective Nate Lamp. About a dozen Craigslist listings are made each week in the department’s parking lot. If you’re going to buy or sell anything on Craigslist, bring someone and visit a public place or business that has surveillance cameras during the day, Lamp said. On the other hand, take precautions. I don’t know that it’s an unsafe way to do that,” Lamp said. Although there are some risks that come with using Craigslist, Holland said he still feels safe to sell some of his stuff. An invaluable asset and don’t plan on stopping using the site anytime soon. “If your gut feeling doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t,” Holland said. Lampe suggests using cash instead of checks for any Craigslist transactions and don’t wire money He said the biggest problem he sees with bad deals on Craigslist is fake checks.
Lucky Lowan, 18, thought he was doing everything right by meeting potential customers in a public space in the parking lot west of the Merle Hay Mall. . Lowan wanted to sell his Air Jordan basketball shoes on Sunday, but when alleged buyers showed up, Lowan told police they stole the shoes and threatened him with a gun.
Craigslist Des Moines Iowa Furniture
This is a risk that many people take when they join Craigslist in hopes of finding a good deal.
Attorney General Bird’s Bill Increasing Penalties For Drug Dealers Causing Deaths Moves Through Subc
Rick Holland turns to Craigslist in hopes of finding loyal buyers for things like his 1967 Ford Fairlane. He also uses the site to make many purchases.
“I’m straight up when I’m going to be there. I tell them that’s what I want,” Holland said of his experience with Craigslist.
Holland is like most people who use the site regularly and have no problems. But not everyone is so lucky.
Other situations like the Lowan incident have prompted the Ankeny Police Department to offer its parking lots for Craigslist deals.
Antiques & Furniture
“They’re all videotaped there, so if there’s an incident, it’s going to be recorded,” said Ankeny Detective Nate Lamp.
If you’re going to buy or sell anything on Craigslist, bring someone and visit a public place or business that has surveillance cameras during the day, Lamp said.
“As long as you’re protecting yourself and you know you don’t know who you’re dealing with on the other side, take precautions. I don’t know that there’s an unsafe way to do it,” Lamp said. .
Although there are some risks that come with using Craigslist, Holland said she still feels safe enough to sell some of her valuables and doesn’t plan to stop using the site anytime soon.
How To Get Rid Of A Mattress In Des Moines, Ia (5 Local Options)
Lampe suggests using cash instead of checks for any Craigslist transaction and never tip. He said the biggest problems he sees with bad deals on Craigslist are fake checks. It’s garage sale season in Minnesota and people are buying their unwanted or unused items. Sometimes these things have been lovingly handled over the years, but this is not the case. Here are 5 old Craigslist items I found this week, plus 1 ‘different’ one.
I have a classic 1966-1975 Magic Chef stove. It has been down for a few years and is in very good condition. Great for a collector or cabin. Asking $400.00.
A beautifully restored solid oak love seat and rocking chair with decorative details. It has been professionally cleaned and restored with a rich, warm stain and a green tapestry with small dark rose details. The set is in perfect condition. Very solid. No yelling or screaming. The rocker has a quiet, smooth roll. A four-season porch, a reading area, a living room…anywhere would be great! Will be sold as a set only. $375
The first iron door. A Conestoga wagon pulled by a team of oxen. This door dates back to the 1920s-1930s. The door frame retains its original paint. Marked with Shaker No. 64 Copyright C and manufacturers mark LVL-L. Lenore Wehoren also called Lovell The Candlestick Company and Craft Company. Door frame is about 10 inches long X2.65 deep X6 1/4 .in.T.Doorstop weighs 3 lbs.
Attorney General Bird Joins Governor Reynolds To Sign Bill That Increase Penalties For Drug Dealers
A beautiful Roseville Pottery blue vase with tails. Columbine Pattern 23 – 10. Built in the early 1940’s. A small chip that is not visible on the bottom.
Now for our +1. It’s different from the other items listed, it’s old, but to most people it doesn’t seem old because we still see it used in places. This is a parking meter.
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