Personal Injury Lawyer Rhode Island

Personal Injury Lawyer Rhode Island

Personal Injury Lawyer Rhode Island – Did you know that you are entitled to recover lost wages related to your personal injury? Here’s what you need to know about recovering lost wages after a personal injury, such as a car accident. At Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we offer a free consultation 24/7, so feel free to contact us for help with questions about your situation.

“Lost wages” is a general legal term that means any type of income (money or benefits) you lose as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Personal Injury Lawyer Rhode Island

For example, if you are an hourly employee, this could mean the amount of hourly wages you lose if your doctor prevents you from working because of injuries sustained in a car accident.

Brian Cunha & Associates Law Office

Importantly, this period also includes compensation for paid time off (PTO) or vacation time due to the inability to work.

If you are an employee or business owner, there may be other ways to calculate your damages.

Understanding and calculating your lost wages is an important and detailed task that our experienced personal injury attorneys and team can help you with as our client.

There are several factors and methods to prove your lost wages claim. How to do it, Rhode Island vs. It may depend on whether you have a Massachusetts personal injury case.

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First, it is best practice to have a doctor’s opinion that you are unable to work. We can help you contact your doctor about how to receive notification, which insurance companies prefer to review.

Yes, if you are eligible for temporary disability insurance in Rhode Island, whether or not you have a legal claim does not affect your right to collect such benefits. Unfortunately, these partial benefits usually don’t make you whole.

In summary, our team of experienced attorneys and paralegals at Bottaro Law Firm, LLC will assist you through the entire “lost wages” process.

At Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we handle all types of personal injury cases every day. Honesty. Honesty. result. Our experienced legal team is here to fight for your rights. Contact us 24/7 in any way you like for a fast, free and confidential consultation about your case. Text or call: 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form. Attorney Mike Bottaro blogs today about a concept that is important if you have personal injury law in Rhode Island.

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Negligence is when a person’s careless behavior results in damage to a person’s property or personal injury.

Each state or jurisdiction has its own laws and examples of negligence. There are significant differences between Rhode Island and Massachusetts when it comes to a concept called “comparative negligence.”

Comparative negligence generally refers to the idea that triers of fact, such as a jury, can decide to apportion negligence (fault) between two or more parties.

Rhode Island General Laws § 9-20-4 defines Rhode Island as a pure comparative negligence state. If you have a personal injury in a RI car accident, this is a more lenient law than Massachusetts.

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For example, if you are injured in a car accident, a jury may hear the evidence and find that each driver is 50% at fault. This means you can still recover 50% of your legal damages (compensation). In fact, in a purely comparative negligence case like RI, the jury finds that the plaintiff is 90% at fault and that the plaintiff can recover at least 10% of the damages.

At Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we have combined experience fighting for injured plaintiffs in both RI and Mass.

Insurance companies almost always try to blame you – the injured party – by arguing comparative negligence. Why? Because they can save money. And it costs you money!

If you owe one percent, without an attorney or with the wrong attorney: (1) your rates will go up; and (2) you will receive less money for settlement. It’s that simple.

What Is A Personal Injury Lawyer? And How To Find A Trustworthy One

This includes car accidents, bicycle accidents, slip and falls, etc. is another reason to seek immediate medical attention after a personal injury. As attorneys with no payment guarantee, we only get paid if we win your case. With over 20 years of experience, we know what it takes to fight insurance companies and get our clients the justice they deserve.

At Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we handle all types of personal injury cases every day. Honesty. Honesty. result. Our experienced legal team is here to fight for your rights. Contact us 24/7 in any way you like for a fast, free and confidential consultation about your case. Register or call: 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form. Imagine you spent the day with your family at the Fall Festival Parade. Your family sitting in the car, happy memories coming home. When a careless driver suddenly hits your car. In a past accident, you and your partner are immediately in pain and the day is ruined. Unfortunately, this was the case for our client, a young couple from Pawtucket, RI.

The Woonsocket accident injured a man’s shoulder and eventually led to shoulder surgery. Meanwhile, his wife suffered multiple injuries, including a cervical injury that required injections.

Our clients contacted us days after the accident so we could get to work right away to help them.

Personal Injury Attorney Ryan Kelley

You would think that the other driver’s insurance company, Liberty Mutual, would take responsibility and compensate our customers. Finally, the law discloses the negligence of their driver. And the law also requires damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

But surprisingly, Liberty Mutual didn’t cooperate from the start. Basically, the car insurance company claimed that our customers would not be harmed despite the minor visible damage to the property.

Although our wife’s doctor attributed the accident to subacral bursitis and adhesive capsulitis in her shoulder. This led to an operation that put him out of work for several months. Similarly, the evidence showed that his wife suffered post-traumatic symptoms, neck and back injuries. None of the clients had any previous medical problems.

The insurer refused to make a reasonable offer and took advantage of this to delay settlements. With our client’s best interests in mind, we moved quickly to court and retained medical examiners who provided expert opinions that our client’s injuries were the result of an accident.

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Civilian research continued through years and pandemics. Attorney Mike Curtis initially led the case through pre-trial preparation. With the court adjournment, the parties agreed to an alternative dispute resolution called “binding arbitration,” in which the parties submit the dispute to a neutral, consensus decision maker who acts as judge and jury and makes the decision. Which is binding on all parties. The insurance company hired their own expert, a biomechanical engineer, who testified that our client suffered nothing more than minor stress/strain injuries as there was no damage to the vehicle.

In arbitration, we successfully argued that the insurance company’s biomechanical engineer was not qualified to provide an opinion as to whether our client was injured in the accident. The arbitrator excluded the biomechanical engineer’s opinion and agreed with our medical experts that our client’s injuries were due to an actual accident. Ultimately, the arbitrator awarded the maximum award in our client’s favor, surpassing any settlement offer previously submitted by the insurance company. In the end, our clients received an excellent outcome to close and recoup their losses.

At Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we handle all types of personal injury cases every day. Honesty. Honesty. result. Our experienced legal team is here to fight for your rights. Contact us 24/7 in any way you like for a fast, free and confidential consultation about your case. Text or call: 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form. A catastrophic injury can be described as a type of injury so severe that it causes permanent disability or drastically changes the victim’s life. They usually include emergency treatment as well as continuing care, assistive devices, rehabilitation treatment, and more. is required.

Our Rhode Island catastrophic injury attorneys are experienced in handling cases involving all types and causes of catastrophic injuries. This practice is valuable in recovering a settlement or award level that truly covers the victim’s injury-related costs now and in the future.

Personal Injury Case Timeline

Find out what your case is worth and how we can help you get justice by calling our Rhode Island law firm at (401) 200-4059 or contacting us online today.

When catastrophic injuries are caused by negligence or wrongful conduct, the at-fault party may be legally responsible for the victim’s medical care, ongoing treatment, lost income, lost future income, emotional trauma, property damage, and possibly more.

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