Craigslist Michigan Cars For Sale By Owner

Craigslist Michigan Cars For Sale By Owner

Craigslist Michigan Cars For Sale By Owner – It seems like everyone has an opinion about Craigslist, a popular buying and selling site. You love it or you hate it. I’m in love camp. It is free, easy to use, and accessible by millions of people every day (60 million a month in the United States alone). Yes, you can find strangers and suspects on the site, but they are more of an exception than a rule. Most craigslist users are honest and trustworthy.

I have been a regular user of Craigslist for almost 10 years and I have sold and bought countless items on it, including RVs and twenty cars. After selling my 2011 Jeep Compass and buying a 1998 Jeep Wrangler, I thought I would share my thoughts on the pros and cons of selling a car on Craigslist – what to do and what not. Should not be done. This advice should let you know that some people are stupid and do not understand what they are doing. Fortunately, being good at selling on Craigslist is not rocket science, but it does take some effort to create great ads that will grab potential buyers and get their attention. They. Although the focus is on SUV sales, these details are equally applicable to RVs. So without further ado, here are my top 10 do’s and don’ts for a Jeep crash on Craigslist .

Craigslist Michigan Cars For Sale By Owner

The old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” is, of course, when it comes to selling on Craigslist. But I lost count of the number of ads I saw that had no image or only one or two images of The exterior of the car and that’s it. Almost everyone today has a phone with an HD camera. I recommend at least eight photos of the exterior and interior of the car. I also recommend photo odometer (buyers want to see proof that what you say about mileage is true). Be sure to photograph any damage. Oh, make sure the photos you choose are clear and bright and look professional in your ad (not sideways or inverted. Yes, that’s normal).

How To Spot Craigslist Rental Scams To Avoid

What is a reasonable price? Go to a car inspection website like Kelley Blue Book, NADA or Edmunds and find one. If you do not take the time to complete this simple step, it is likely that you will have trouble selling your car. A Phoenix man is currently asking for $ 4,000 more for his Jeep Wrangler than the current Blue Book price. Hello ?! No one will pay for a blue book for a car unless it is a Classic or Limited Edition in great condition and full of options and extras. The convicted man (and girl) may be wondering why their car did not sell after more than two months of registration.

I often run into ads that only have a short sentence about the car and that’s it. Sure, this acronym makes your ad come out fast, but it also affects your chances of a quick sale. Buyers need information to help them differentiate between good and bad cars, so take the time to provide details about the car’s history, including Modifications and fixes you made and any issues. Oh, and use the data provided by Craigslist for car sales. These fields provide important information such as year, distance, condition and number of tires and are widely used by customers when inspecting vehicles.

A few years ago my wife and I were looking at dirty, smelly and bad excuses for a car that still had fast food wrappers and old French fries on the back seat floor. It is clear that the car was not touched before the fool showed it to us. Needless to say, we got in the car and bought another car. Oh, and the Jeep I recently bought is also not explained. There was an animal on a rug that was badly torn with glue on a boat that was badly rusted. There was dog hair stuck inside the carpet. I can look back and see good things, but there is no doubt that I would have paid more if men That took time to make the Jeep even better.

My great pleasure. Be friendly and answer all questions about your vehicle. Getting answers does not seem to be a big deal for those who like to text, but for those who like to do business via email. It seems like half the time you do not hear back and if you do it is two or three days later. It’s really annoying. The key is to provide an immediate response to any inquiries, whether by phone, email or SMS. If you bought your car, say so in your answer. Oh, if you make an appointment, come on time. Being late for an appointment is considered rude and not a way to get the best out of a client.

Craigslist: Buy Or Sell A Car

You’d think it would be out of the question, but in Phoenix there was a man trying to sell his Jeep. No deposit required. His ad said he had more than $ 34,000 invested in his Jeep. Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate, if there are only a few. If you want to sell your car, Craigslist is not the place to do it, the place to do it is called Ebay. Not surprisingly, his campaign continued after two months without end. Needless to say, I did not make the offer and told the lucky guy trying to sell his Jeep that way.

This goes with number two. I’m tired of the idiots in the Salvage or Rebuilt title trying to get $ 1000 under the blue book that says it ‘s a big deal. No! According to the report, consumers of cars with the Salvage or Rebuilt brand have 50% of the blue book price and sometimes less. Unless you have a mechanic and plan to keep the car forever, I would stay away from the Salvage and Rebuilt cars. There is no way to be sure of damaging what they did. There are so many risks. Insurance can also be a problem with some insurance companies.

If you have a problem with the car, please let us know in your advertisement. People value honesty. Troubleshooting helps build trust, and trust goes away when you want to sell your car. One of the Jeep I saw recently had physical damage that was not listed anywhere in the ad or accompanying photos (surprisingly, the condition of this Jeep was Listed as “good” in advertising). If I had known about this failure, I would not have wasted two hours of driving and gas to get out and watch it. Needless to say, I was so excited. I knew then and there that this was not someone I could trust or want to do business with. Oh, and it goes without saying that you have to be honest about the general condition, the best means the best in the car condition today, not after the physical and fire restoration.

I hear this happen all the time. Of course, come first, but beware of those who can travel long distances to buy your goods. This situation caught my attention a few years ago when I was selling a KZ Frontier tuk-tuk to a man in Salt Lake City, 650 miles away. On the way to Phoenix, there was another man in New Mexico who offered me an extra $ 500 if I sold it to him. Needless to say, I told the man no. There is no way I would drill another half for a G half in cash. I believe in karma. Treat others as you would like to be treated – the Golden Rule. If you do, Craigslist can be a great resource that you can buy and sell without burning yourself.

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This has probably happened to all of us at one time or another and it has been my biggest pet problem. You browse the list for an hour or two and find what you are looking for. You text the man excitedly about his sweet car, just saying it sold out two weeks ago. What !! Look! If you want to use Craigslist to sell your truck for free, the least you can do is pull your ad after the sale. It only takes a few seconds and a few clicks to delete your ad. Enough said.

These are mine

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