
Employment Law Lawyers Free Consultation – The Justia Lawyer Directory is a free online resource that provides detailed information on law firms and nonprofit legal services and legal aid organizations in the United States.
Start your search for a lawyer on the main page of the Justia lawyer directory. In the search field, enter a legal query or the name of a lawyer or law firm and the area you want to search for, and click the search button. Your search results will include a list of local attorneys, law firms, and legal service nonprofits that match your search criteria. Please note: if we know your location, it will be listed in the search box at the top of the page. You can also change your location to search for a lawyer in a specific city, state, or area.
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You can also search for lawyers in the Justia lawyer directory. Scroll down to view attorneys by practice area, state, or city.
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Justia Lawyer Directory uses a technology known as IP Geolocation to determine your general location. We do this so that when you visit this site, we can direct you to lawyers in your area as quickly as possible. We do not store your location on our servers and do not use this information to identify you. We use it only to simplify and improve your experience with the Justia lawyer directory.
The Justia Lawyer Directory lists thousands of legal and nonprofit organizations nationwide that offer free or low-cost legal services. If you are interested in these available legal services organizations, search or browse the lawyer directory for the legal area and location you are interested in. To the right of each listing page, you’ll find a short list of available legal aid and pro bono services that match your search criteria. To see more sellers in your area, click Show More.
There are several ways to contact the law firms and organizations providing legal aid and services listed in the Justia lawyer directory:
) to add a proxy to the Comparison tab in the toolbar. The Compare checkbox will be checked (
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) when you have selected a lawyer to compare. The comparison tool in the toolbar will automatically expand to show you the person you’ve chosen to compare. You can check the “Compare” box again or click the “Delete” icon (
) on the comparison toolbar to remove a lawyer from the comparison if you choose not to compare that lawyer.
You can combine all three at once to start the comparison. After you click the red “Compare” button on the “Compare” tab of the toolbar, the “Compare” tool will show the people you’ve selected nearby. You will see up to three matching parties. If you’re using a phone, you’ll see two side-by-side comparisons with the option to switch between them at the top of the page using the speaker profile options window.
That you have already saved will appear on the saved toolbar and on the saved page or in the previously mentioned save icon areas (
How To Choose An Employment Lawyer For Your Business
Click on the Registered tab on the toolbar at the bottom of the Justia Lawyer Guide page to expand the Registered tab on the toolbar. The toolbar will display the most recently saved profiles in the most recent order. Clicking the Show All button will take you to the saved page where you can see all your saved profiles.
You can delete a profile on the Saved Profiles tab in the app or on the saved page by clicking the Delete button (
You can save up to 50 profiles. Once you reach 50 saved profiles, you will not be able to save any more profiles until you delete one or more of your saved profiles. You can manage your saved profiles by going to the saved page.
When viewing a profile, the profile is automatically added to the Recently Viewed Profiles tab in the toolbar. The tool will restore itself.
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Click the Recently Viewed tab in the toolbar at the bottom of the Justia Lawyers Guide page to expand the Recently Viewed tab in the toolbar. The toolbar will display your most recently viewed profiles in chronological order. Clicking the View All button will take you to the Recently Viewed Attorneys page where you can view your recently viewed profiles.
You can delete a profile on the “Recently Viewed Profiles” tab in the toolbar or on the “Recently Viewed Attorneys” page by clicking the “Delete” icon (
I can’t see recent or saved files on my phone on my computer and vice versa. How can I view a list of other apps on one of my devices?
The “Recent”, “Saved” and “Compare” sections are created on the basis of cookies. Therefore, you must allow cookies for the features to work. In addition, the functions work on each individual device on which the cookies reside, and lists cannot be transferred from one device to another.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any attorney licensed in the United States can have a free profile in the Justia attorney directory. Free profiles are comprehensive and include the ability to add photos, bio information, education and experience, websites and blogs, social media profiles, and more. If your profile is in the Justia lawyer directory, you can claim it by clicking the red button “Are you [NAME]? Submit a profile update request.” Link under your name on the page If you don’t have a profile but you can create a new one here.
There is none. Registration and a complete profile in the Justia lawyer directory are free.
You may already have a list in your book. Search for your name using the search box at the top of the page. If there are results that match yours, click the red button “[Name], is that you? Apply and upgrade for free!” link on your profile page right under your name.
If you cannot find your position in the Justia lawyer directory, you can register as a new lawyer by clicking the “Register” link in the top right corner of every page.
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It is Justia’s policy that each lawyer profile listed in our directory must be associated with the lawyer’s email address. The person submitting the complaint or update must have access to the law firm’s email address.
You must use your company email address to request and update your free status. Your ability to update your profile may be revoked if you search for your profile using an email address other than your company email address (such as a generic email address). If a valid email address is not available, please contact us and we will assist you in obtaining the status.
If you would like someone else to report your situation on your behalf, or if you are looking for your profile, please see the Claim an Attorney section below.
If you have multiple profiles to search for the same business, see the “Search multiple profiles for your business” section below.
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If you wish to file a claim against another person and resolve your situation, or if you are a third party wishing to file a claim and resolve the situation on behalf of an attorney, please note the following.
To request multiple attorney accounts at your firm, an attorney or designee at your firm, such as a marketing coordinator or office manager, can request information by following the steps below.
After you send the required information by email or fax, please allow 7 business days for the claim process to complete. Once complete, we’ll notify you by email that the profiles are claimed and ready to update. For your privacy and security, we do not provide passwords. We strongly encourage every attorney to log in as soon as possible and reset their password to a strong one using the Forgotten Password form.
Please note that each profile will have unique login credentials. We do not create baselinks for many profiles. The person responsible for managing the application process can log in using the lawyer’s credentials to update the profile, or you can ask lawyers to update their profiles using the lawyer’s email address.
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By applying or creating a profile, each attorney consents to receive email communications from Justia that may contain communications regarding the defense, attorney account, attorney status, or other content. Every lawyer can receive promotional emails and information from Justia.
After completing the Create a Justia Lawyer Directory Profile form, the list. What it is?
The displayed list contains profiles that may belong to you. If any of this information applies to you, look it up
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