Homes For Rent Des Moines Area – Beaver Cove Des Moines, IA : • • ft2 • No description. Properties } No useful information provided.
1 month free with 24 month lease and $500 13 month lease. Beaver Cove features new townhomes mixed with creative amenities in the northwest corner of Des Moines. Enjoy a beautiful yard BUT without the work. Leave the trash and clutter behind and enjoy the benefits of living at home. Beautiful vinyl planks complement the white wood and blue wall color throughout. You will LOVE the kitchen! Granite countertops and shaker cabinets complement the tile and stainless steel oven, microwave and dishwasher. Enjoy dining in the living room or dining room with sliders to the terrace. What is suitable for winter in Iowa? Embrace the fireplace in this great room with a spacious floor plan! First floor laundry near lockers in attached garage. The lower level can be completed with windows and installed for the bathroom. Minutes from your door are bike trails, Lake Saylorville, bus routes, and a short walk to downtown. Check out this well kept secret with a 6 year tax abatement making it a great option! The pictures are from the same section.
Homes For Rent Des Moines Area
Data provided by GreatSchools GreatSchools Ratings help parents compare schools across the country based on school quality indicators and provide a valuable picture of how well each school is doing with its students as a whole. Scores range from 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and may include test scores, college readiness, academic achievement, grades, balance, penalties, and traffic scores. We also encourage parents to visit schools, get more information about school operations and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Best Apartments In Des Moines, Ia (with Reviews)
If you downsize to a standard 3 bedroom apartment in Des Moines, you will pay less than 24% per month.
To get the best performance, you need to know what features are available. Property managers can make deals if they have lots of vacant land.
There are currently 401 2BR units on the market in Des Moines. If you want to communicate, this may be your best option.
This property is located at 4421 Lower Beaver Rd in Des Moines, IA. It is 7.2 miles northwest of downtown Des Moines.
Stidham 6920 Sw 9th St
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