Division Of Unemployment St Louis Mo

Division Of Unemployment St Louis Mo

Division Of Unemployment St Louis Mo – In March 2015, the US Census released 2013 data collected by the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) Program. The SAHIE data is a valuable reference that provides annual estimates of health insurance coverage for each county in the United States. That year, a map showing insurance rates for Missouri counties was published. The 2013 SAHIE data is of particular interest because this is the last time this data was collected before the first enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). .

Five years have passed since the Affordable Care Act was enacted, and now we have the opportunity to compare the rate of uninsured people across Missouri from 2013 to 2018. Both versions All these charts use the same scale as the SAHIE data. (Note that the 2013 map shown here is slightly different from the map we published in 2015. This is because the classification scheme is different but the basic information is the same.)

Division Of Unemployment St Louis Mo

A first look at the 2013 map shows that the share of working, uninsured adults ages 18-64 in Missouri ranges from a low of 11.6% in the County of ‘St. Louis. Charles to a peak of 29.3% in Knox County. All counties in the state have 11.6% or more of the working population uninsured.

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The picture is quite different in 2018. Almost all Missouri counties now have uninsured rates below 20%, especially in the central parts of the state, below 15%. Kansas City and St. Some counties in the Louis area have uninsured rates as low as 10%.

More significantly, the number and rate of uninsured people in most Missouri counties has decreased significantly. In 2013, there were 20 counties in Missouri where more than a quarter of the adult population was uninsured. In 2018, there was nothing.

Regardless of the difference in uninsured rates over the 5 year period. One thing has not changed much: the number of hospitals. In fact, Between 2013 and 2018, according to the list of Missouri Hospital Records by County maintained by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), the counties of ‘Missouri without hospitals increased from 41 to 46.

However, only eight of those counties — Hickory, Knox, McDonald, Morgan, Ozark, Shannon and Wright — had 20% or more of their populations uninsured in 2018, compared to 15 counties without hospitals that they had cover. population. uninsured population. In 2013, the overall picture of access to affordable healthcare is improving.

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Additionally, the DHSS Hospital List does not include smaller facilities such as rural clinics, which may better serve rural populations with higher premiums.

One of the most significant changes to daily life we’ve seen since Missouri’s response to the coronavirus is the closing of the public school system. Although the order at the state level is yet to pass. Cities and counties across Missouri have shut down and gone to online education. This, in turn, brought the topic of child food insecurity to the forefront of many discussions across Missouri.

Designed by Missouri Spatial Data Information Services (MSDIS), this web map shows the percentage of children by county who are experiencing challenges. Now that schools are closed for an indefinite period of time, it is more important than ever to remember the reality of childhood hunger.

The Missouri Census Data Center regularly works with MSDIS on data and mapping projects. MSDIS is a geographic data retrieval and documentation system that provides a variety of mapping resources focused on the state of Missouri.

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As the coronavirus becomes a global threat, Missouri seniors are at increased risk of contracting this serious disease. Designed by the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (MSDIS), this web map contains county-level demographic data from the Missouri Census Data Center and highlights more from 60 Missouri populations as well as datasets from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. It highlights some of the health care resources available to them.

2020 is just another new year in the United States. Besides marking the beginning of a new decade and announcing another presidential election. In 2020 there will be another biennial census.

Our colleagues at Missouri Spatial Data Information Services have created a history map that explores the 2020 Census and what it means for Missouri.

Strong academic performance; That is an estimate of legitimate income. This month’s series of maps looks at the distribution of both features in Missouri counties. WE. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) Five-Year Data 2012-2016; Missouri households are mapped here by education level and median family income; The bivariate choropleth map shows the impact of changes in earned income while the upper limit on family income.

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Based on the 2016 ACS 1-Year Edition, the bar chart gives the relative distribution of median family income by educational level. While the average Missouri family earns about $36,000, the average Missouri household headed by someone without a high school diploma or GED earns nearly $20,000. about 10,000 USD after high school graduation; The median household income of high school graduates is just over $30,000. Completing a college or associate degree (2 degrees) will increase median household income to a median of $30,000, but it is only a Degree or higher that increases the median annual income of households from a median income of 40,000 USD for an average income of 50,000. USD.

But academic achievement is not the only driver of earnings. Availability of labor force opportunities and proximity of infrastructure also affect earning potential. A review of the median household income map shows the influence of infrastructure investment and population density in increasing wages and income, as seen in the counties shaded in green. It is interesting to note the geographic stratification of the state along the I-70 Freeway corridor that connects the relatively high-income urban areas of Missouri and the northern agricultural counties, where households have low and belong to the middle class. Southern counties (except income concentrations in the Springfield metropolitan area).

Level of education (blue map); A closer look at the county level median household income map and its fairly predictable correlation with educational attainment (blue map) reveals nothing surprising: a higher educated population also has a higher average household ; Income

This multivariate map of median household income as a percentage of adults with a high school diploma or lower GED allows us to see outliers as well as evidence of relationships that we would expect. For example, the greener the District, the higher the accuracy. The proportion of adults without a high school diploma/GED is higher; The higher the median family income, the higher the median family income, indicating higher wages and some income opportunities related to educational attainment. At the far end of the spectrum, we see neighborhoods with a higher median household income and the lowest proportion of households with less education, suggesting “bedroom” communities. Further research to confirm this model could include looking at migration patterns and traffic patterns over time.

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The United States Census Bureau, in partnership with the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), calculates the percentage of total household income that a household commits to paying for Fees housing basics. A house is considered a household if 30% of its total income is spent on accommodation.

. The definition of the cost burden takes into account the monthly rent and utilities for renting the houses; second mortgage payment; practicality; real estate taxes; Association fees and home owner insurance for owner occupied homes are considered.

The concept of housing cost burden measurement emerged as a policy indicator during the implementation of the US Housing Act of 1937 and has since been used as a tool to understand trends of the cost of housing. Initially, a family is considered cost burdened if it spends more than 20% of its family income on housing costs. The definition of cost burden policy has evolved over time. The current rate of 30% was adopted by HUD in the early 80’s as part of the mortgage and low income policy; It is used as a tool to inform both subsidized housing policies. Households that spend more than 50% of their total income on housing are considered to have a housing cost burden. The 2006 “Affordable Home Ownership” document published by the US Census Bureau provides policy history and discussions of methodology and definitions that remain useful.

WE. The Census Bureau publishes 1- and 5-year estimates of this index, with 5-year estimates for counties with populations over 60,000 and counties with smaller populations receiving annual estimates. These maps look at forecasts over the past five years from 2012-2016 to compare all Missouri counties. To understand the impact of the housing cost burden on Missouri communities, we created six maps for review.

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About 30% of all Missouri households fall into the housing cost burden category, spending 30% or more of their gross income on housing costs. Almost 50% of the houses rent.

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