What To Do If You Are Involved In A Car Accident – The number of traffic accidents with injuries in Singapore has increased in the past few years, according to the latest report from the Singapore Police. Although the number of deaths has decreased, car accidents with injuries still occur, even for the most careful drivers.
It is human error, but there are other causes of road accidents, such as bad weather, road deaths, unexpected road accidents, etc. How you act as a car owner, driver or passenger can make a big difference, especially after a car accident. It often occurs to you after an accident after checking everyone’s safety, you are at fault and car insurance costs. If you need a little help, here’s a step-by-step guide to handling the situation wisely if you’ve been involved in an accident.
What To Do If You Are Involved In A Car Accident
Most car insurance companies require such reports to be submitted within 24 hours, this time is usually the same for a first or third party claim, to avoid breaking legal terms and conditions, which may affect your claims process.
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You want to be specific with the pictures you take, such as the license plates of all the vehicles involved, to get a complete picture of the scene and circumstances of the accident.
If you plan to execute your will, this step will fail. For third-party claims, you will need their contact information, including:
If you have been involved in an accident alone or with others, try not to drive your car or cars there to prevent insurance companies from contesting your claim.
Immediately after an accident, it is best to contact your auto insurance company’s emergency hotline. This is to expedite any emergency assistance you need to assist you at the scene of the accident and arrange for medical treatment, removal of the vehicle or other means of transport, whatever is required.
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Some insurers may offer free towing services, while others may require you to use tow trucks owned by their company or an affiliated company. So, check with your car insurance company to see if these services apply to you.
Depending on the circumstances, it may be mandatory to report to your insurer if a car accident occurs, but it is not necessary to file a police report for every accident. In Singapore, it is generally recommended to file a police report for a traffic accident in the following circumstances within 24 hours of the accident.
If anyone involved in the accident is injured or requires medical attention, it is important to notify the police immediately. They can assess the situation, provide the necessary assistance and document the incident.
If there is damage to public property during a traffic accident, such as street lights, road signs or public buildings, it is recommended to file a police report.
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In situations where someone involved in an accident flees the scene without sharing information, it is best to notify the police as soon as possible and provide all available information about the other vehicle and the driver to help them with their investigation.
If there is a dispute between the parties involved in the accident, such as fault or compensation, it is recommended that the police be involved. The police often help by gathering information, interviewing witnesses and creating a legal report that can support insurance claims or any necessary legal procedures.
If the accident causes significant damage to the vehicles involved, or if the other driver is unknown (eg an unoccupied car), a police report is recommended.
This depends on the nature of the traffic accident. Singapore’s Road Traffic Act states that “the driver of the vehicle that caused the accident must report the accident to the police or police station as soon as possible but within 24 hours of the accident”. Therefore, a driver will not need to file a police report if:
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1) the driver gave his information to the person who is at the scene of the accident; not all
*Disclaimer: The above information is correct at the time of writing and the updated version (as of 1 June 2023) of the Singapore Road Traffic Act is available on Singapore Statutes Online, issued by the Legislative Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers of Singapore.
Take a moment to inspect the scene of the accident and see if anyone needs immediate medical attention. If necessary, call emergency services by dialing “995” to report the injury and determine the location.
Call the traffic police on ‘999’ to report the accident and give them full details of the location, number of vehicles involved and injuries sustained. The police will direct you forward and give you instructions.
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Do not drive or operate a vehicle after an accident, unless necessary for safety reasons. Tracking the incident will help authorities investigate and determine who is responsible.
If you are willing and able, give your names to those involved in the accident. They may need a witness statement later and your information can be valuable.
If the police arrive at the scene and ask for your statement, always give them a truthful account of what you saw.
Without insurance, you will be responsible for damage to the rental car, other vehicles involved, or anything else that may have been damaged in the accident. This means that you may have to pay for the repair or replacement of the rental car, as well as damages to other parties involved.
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Driving a rental car without insurance is against Singapore law. The Traffic Act requires that all vehicles, including rental vehicles, have valid insurance. There may be legal consequences, including fines and penalties for driving without insurance.
The rental company will have their own accident and insurance policies, terms and conditions. If you crash an uninsured rental car, you may be in violation of the rental agreement and the company may hold you responsible for the costs associated with the accident. This can include maintenance costs, loss of rental income and administrative costs.
Crashing into an uninsured vehicle can affect your ability to rent a car in the future. Rental companies may consider you a high-risk customer and refuse to rent to you or impose additional requirements or fees.
Yes. If possible, it is best to notify the car insurance company as soon as possible. Most car insurance companies require claim reports to be submitted within 24 hours, this time is usually the same for the first or third claim. You must notify your car insurance company within 24 hours, whether you want to make a claim or not if your car is damaged, to avoid breaking the terms and conditions of the law, which could affect your claims process. . .
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Depending on the outcome of the car accident, your insurance benefits may or may not be affected. For example, your No Claims Discount (NCD) may not be affected if you are found not entirely at fault in an accident involving another vehicle. In all other cases, your NCD may be affected.
Yes and no It depends on the situation, whether you as the driver gave your information to the person who was present at the scene of the accident; or you as the owner of the damaged car if you talk to the driver, you may not have to report it to the police. In some cases, a police report must be filed by law.
Singapore’s Road Traffic Act states that “the driver of the vehicle that caused the accident must report the accident to the police or police station as soon as possible but within 24 hours of the accident”.
The most important and first thing you should do is take care of your own safety, check for injuries, seek medical help as soon as possible and contact the police (if you can’t, shout or promote passers-by). -for help) via 999. Now gather as much information as possible about the incident.
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This includes entering the vehicle’s registration number, make and model, and any distinguishing characteristics. If there are witnesses, ask for their names. After that, contact your insurer to inform them of the incident and give them all the necessary information, including the police report number, to get guidance on the process of your claim. Finally, consult an attorney and seek legal advice in the event of personal injury and property damage. Although the public is increasingly talking about bad behavior, research shows that the number of bullying in schools has remained unchanged in the past decade. According to a survey conducted by the Singapore Children’s Society in 2008, 1 in 5 primary school students and 1 in 4 secondary school students in Singapore have been bullied.
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