Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas Tx

Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas Tx

Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas Tx – Lucas Garcia works with clients by understanding the seriousness of their situations and their desire to find the best possible solution to their situation. It considers all the circumstances of each case to determine the most appropriate course of action for each client. Lucas recognizes that every client is presented with a different case, and each client has a different personal background and unique goals, which will affect how their case should be handled.

Lucas has extensive legal knowledge, is diligent in his work and transparent in his dealings with clients. He is known for his objective approach to assessing the client’s situation and treating each case as an immediate family matter with his level of attention and care. Lucas specializes in defending clients charged with a variety of state and federal crimes.

Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas Tx

Lucas is from Odessa, Texas and graduated from Permian High School. He played baseball and football his entire life. He played college football at the NCAA Division II level at West Texas A&M University, where he graduated cum laude. He also played football at the semi-professional level.

Tarrant County Criminal Courts| Criminal District Court No. 2

Part of the inaugural graduating class of the North Texas College of Law at Dallas, Lucas is well-versed in the Dallas legal community and has been fortunate to make many connections. Lucas chose UNTD’s College of Law because their mission aligns with his vision of the justice system – that people need access to justice and competent attorneys provide that avenue. Likewise, Luke seeks to be an instrument of justice for those who face accusations of injustice and injustice. If you have been charged with a crime and are looking for the best criminal defense attorney in Dallas, you need a Dallas criminal defense attorney who knows how to get the best results in your case. Does what it takes to do and isn’t afraid to go to court to defend. This. Dallas criminal attorney Randall Cross speaks for himself as a powerful and effective Dallas County criminal attorney, according to several 5-star reviews you’ll find online.

As a client of Dallas criminal defense attorney Randall Cross, you can expect to be treated with professionalism and complete integrity. Randall gets you through from day one, explaining all the options available and what your legal defense will cost going forward. Throughout your legal journey, you can expect Randall and his team to be accountable and keep you informed every step of the way.

Experienced Dallas criminal attorney Randall Cross has spent more than 10 years in criminal court as a defense attorney and prosecutor. Randall’s keen ability to see cases from both sides gives clients an edge in court – he knows how the DA’s office works, has a unique ability to identify weaknesses in law enforcement investigations, and Texas juries. helps

Randall’s skill in defending clients has helped establish a reputation as a formidable litigator, highly respected in Dallas County courts.

Courtney Miller Criminal Defense Attorney

Over the years, Randall has successfully tried a variety of cases in jury trials, including murder, robbery, DWI, domestic violence assault, assault and drug cases. If you are facing serious charges, Dallas, TX criminal defense attorney Randall Cross can provide the strong defense you need. Dallas-based criminal defense attorney Randall Cross serves clients in Dallas County, Taron County, Collin County and Denton County, Texas.

As a client, Dallas criminal defense attorney Randall Cross will work closely with you to understand your concerns and examine the facts of your case. This process is not always pleasant, but it is necessary. We understand that! You are not a criminal, you are not a number, and sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Randall’s promise is to “shoot straight at you.” We don’t believe in “sugarcoating” or misrepresenting potential outcomes. With our knowledge of the law and understanding of the circumstances, we will develop a defense strategy to maximize your chances at trial, dismissal/reduction or negotiating an appropriate plea.

If you need a Dallas defense attorney with excellent experience as a responsible negotiator and aggressive litigator, the Law Offices of Randall Cross are here to listen and work to ensure the best outcome for your case. These are the normal basic emotions you feel when you are stuck. What will happen to my family? Will I lose my job? How do I pay my bills? Your mind can’t stop thinking the worst. For more than 25 years, I have helped people convicted of federal crimes in Texas mitigate these overwhelming emotions with the goal of getting you back to life before you face criminal charges.

When it comes to federal criminal defense, taking the time to thoroughly prepare for each case is extremely important. The key to winning a court case is to be more prepared than the prosecutor. I spend a good amount of time gathering all the evidence, interviewing witnesses and filing legal actions to win.

My experience in federal district court includes white collar crimes (wire fraud, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud…) and healthcare crimes where extensive documentation is used against the defendant. It is common to receive several terabytes of evidence that requires great care to evaluate and use effectively in your defense. Unlike state court crimes, federal court judges have broad sentencing powers, so you should be able to use the same documents to show a different version of the facts.

Recently, in the largest synthetic cannabinoid (K2/spice) trial in the country, my client was the only defendant initially charged with a felony and pleaded not guilty.

18 USC Code §924c defines the term “crime of violence” as a felony.

About Randel Cross Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

(a) is a party to the use, attempt or threat of physical force against another person or property, or;

(b) is of a nature which involves a substantial risk that he may use physical force against another person or property in the commission of the offence;

For detailed reading, see the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (the link to the original guidelines is an excellent resource) at

The federal government requires certain financial institutions (such as banks) to report any single transaction of $10,000.00 or more. So, to try to avoid this, some try to get more than one deposit of less than $10,000.00. Even if you pay federal income tax on the funds or the source of the funds is 100 percent legal, it is a crime under the Bank Secrecy Act, 31 USC Section 5324.

Ryan J. Meyer

If you are caught and charged, you can face severe penalties (click here to view penalties).

Fraudulent claims account for a large amount of health care spending each year. how much is it? They say about 10 percent. Health care fraud is a crime in which a person uses a lie, deception, or scheme to make a claim for health care in order to obtain money or benefits. Common examples include pill mills (a doctor or another) writing a script for other drugs, ordering a premium wheelchair and giving the customer only the original model, and a home health care provider “reversing” the order. And ask a doctor (or someone in the office) to sign a home health care order. Of course there are many differences. I’ve tried these types of cases in federal court and it’s a very aggressive, paper-heavy, and usually extensive case with videos and photos. When your practice (and your life, really) is on the line, you need an experienced lawyer.

One line of defense seeks to show that the actions were wrongful and not based on fraud. It is not necessarily fraud if someone makes a mistake, or makes a mistake, or makes an incorrect payment. For example, if a health care provider mistakenly bills a patient for a procedure that the patient did not receive, that is an error, not fraud. To commit fraud, a person must knowingly engage in a plan, scheme, or activity to procure a lie with the intent to obtain financial gain. Therefore, if a health care provider knowingly offers treatments or procedures that a patient knows they do not need, and then pays an insurer to collect money for those procedures, the health care provider has have cheated

The feds can prosecute anyone in the health care system who commits fraud in the health care system. This is often done by providers to get extra money from insurance companies and/or Medicare or Medicaid. Common fraud schemes include double billing or filing duplicate claims for the same service, filing claims for services not provided, billing for services not covered by the insurance company’s policy, and even refunds.

Law Office Of John Teakell

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