Law Firms Injury Accident Auto – The Sterling Firm Can Help! It is the driver’s duty to drive carefully to avoid accidents. If a driver causes an accident, he must pay compensation to the victim. One in four car accidents in the US is caused by using a phone while driving. One of the most common causes of accidents is texting while driving. Studies have shown that drivers who text are 23 times more likely to have an accident. At high speed, even a one-word response is enough time for a catastrophic event to occur. Texting while driving is a reckless act. If you are a victim of such an accident, you need professional help to handle your case properly.
It doesn’t matter if you are a good driver or not. Chances are high that you will have an accident in your life! Accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, including the negligence of other drivers! About 3 million people are injured in car accidents in the US each year.
Law Firms Injury Accident Auto
However, you are entitled to compensation for your physical injuries, medical bills, lost work, and pain and suffering you experienced. Without an experienced attorney on your side, you could lose your fair value.
Ten Important Questions You Should Ask Your Auto Accident Lawyer.
Call Sterling to speak with an attorney! We are available 24/7 for free advice! Book your free consultation now! We take personal injury cases with a contingency fee! Book your consultation now! Check out our affordable shared advice packages!
Justin Sterling, Esq. Top personal injury attorney and civil litigator. Mr. Sterling is the founder of The Sterling Firm, based in Los Angeles, California. Sterling Company has a customer base spread not only across the country, but across the globe. We provide experienced and guided legal advice on your matter. We handle insurance and civil claims, including cases arising from catastrophic and serious personal injury.
Tags: accident, car accident, car accident, claim, collision, insurance, insurance claim, motor vehicle, motor vehicle collision, negligence, rear end, t-bone In today’s society, many jobs o have positions that require the employee to he is reliable. . Vehicle It is not uncommon for employers to state on the application that they must have a personal vehicle or means of transportation. There are also many jobs that revolve around the need for transportation, such as grocery delivery driver or postal service driver. In addition, many companies have their own personal cars that are driven for work-related reasons or allow their employees to have a company car for both personal and work purposes.
When you are required to go from one place of work to another, deliver something, or simply run an errand, it may be considered work-related driving. So, if a work-related accident occurs during this period, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from your employer. Workers’ compensation can cover medical expenses or lost wages for an injured worker, among other benefits. If you have been involved in a car accident while driving or performing a work-related task, call for a free consultation today to speak with a Shreveport workers’ compensation attorney at the Gordon & Gordon Law Firm.
Top Personal Injury Attorney Zephyrhills
If you are driving for work-related duties – whether in a personal or company vehicle – and an accident occurs, your employer may be liable for property damage and/or personal injury compensation. If the police find you responsible for an accident, workers’ compensation may still be available if the accident occurred “in the course and scope” of your employment and you were not drunk or willful. . Harm yourself or others. On the other hand, if another driver or drivers caused the accident, you may be able to seek workers’ compensation and a civil lawsuit against the third-party responsible.
As you can see, handling both personal injury claims and workers’ compensation claims can be difficult. That’s why it’s important to get legal guidance from an experienced Gordon & Gordon attorney to help you understand your rights related to your workers’ compensation and injury claims.
The purpose of workers’ compensation laws is to protect people who are injured or disabled on the job. The Workers’ Compensation Act also provides a fixed amount of money to an injured worker to avoid the need for litigation between the worker and the employer.
In a perfect world, in the event of an accident in which an employee is injured while on the job or performing normal job duties, a workers’ compensation claim should be filed and the appropriate benefits provided. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, employers and insurance companies will try to deny or reduce benefits paid to an injured worker. For example, an employer may claim that the injuries were not as serious as the employee claimed, or that the accident did not occur at work or in the course of work duties.
Amarillo Car Accident Lawyers
At Gordon & Gordon Law, we understand the frustration that can come with a workers’ compensation claim. Not having a lawyer to explain and help you through the process can seem time consuming and unfair. If you believe you or a loved one has been the victim of a wrongful claim or work injury, call our experienced work injury attorneys for a consultation today.
Depending on the line of work, employers can give their employees a company type. A company car can have its pros and cons. Not having to worry about gas bills and other car trouble bills that people face on a regular basis is definitely professional.
But what if you crash your company car? If the employer has commercial auto insurance on the vehicle, the insurance will usually pay any claims related to the accident that occurs. Often, your employer will deal personally with the insurance company. However, the insurance company may require additional evidence to prove your need to participate.
Generally speaking, you are responsible for damages when your vehicle is involved in an accident. Conversely, if another driver or party caused the accident, they are usually responsible for any resulting damages. However, if you drive as part of your job or perform a work-related task or perform duties during a specified pay period, your employer may share the liability in any case. This means that if you are injured in a work-related accident, you can file a workers’ compensation claim through your company’s insurance, so any medical bills and other expenses are covered by workers’ compensation.
Auto Accident Attorneys Dayton
Call Gordon & Gordon today for legal advice if you have been involved in a car accident that resulted in personal injury or property damage. Our law firm will build a strong attorney-client relationship with you, help you understand your legal rights, and protect you from liability costs. Our experienced Shreveport car accident attorneys know what it takes to collect compensation on your behalf because we collect the workers’ compensation money you are legally entitled to.
Many businesses require employees to travel for business meetings, industry conferences, other office visits or the like. These business trips can be exciting for some and uncomfortable for others, but either way, employees who travel for work are not immune to being involved in a car accident on the road.
Personal injuries resulting from a car accident while traveling for work can result in many unexpected medical bills and medical treatment, so filing a claim through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance will be essential.
The experienced Louisiana attorneys at Gordon & Gordon have years of experience handling workers’ comp claims. We also know how to properly handle a personal injury claim against a negligent third party. If you or someone you love is facing a workers’ compensation and/or personal injury claim as a result of a workplace accident, we can guide you on the path to obtaining the right benefits and compensation.
Martinsburg Car Accident Lawyers
When a car accident happens on company time, there are many things that complicate the situation and are far from black and white. For example, there is a big difference between your regular commute to work and your commute to work or errands. For example, if you were leaving your home to go to work and were involved in a car accident, this would not technically be considered a situation where your employer is liable for the damage to the vehicle. This is because you were not yet on the clock and the accident itself was not caused by any necessity
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