If I Was In A Car Accident

If I Was In A Car Accident

If I Was In A Car Accident – Are you afraid that you may become the victim of a fraudulent car accident? Here’s what you need to do to protect yourself.

Have you ever been in a car accident that made you realize the dark side of other drivers – especially those who try to turn the incident to their advantage and demand thousands of dollars from you?

If I Was In A Car Accident

Let’s face the reality of car accidents in Singapore – some are done by syndicates for a quick buck, while others involve only opportunistic (or unscrupulous?) drivers filing claims for their own benefit. …all others at your expense.

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For experienced drivers, these stories are common, or you may have encountered a few. But if you have a new car, it’s only natural to feel anxious when the first car accident happens.

Much like the “Buffett Syndrome” common in healthcare (where consumers don’t have to pay their hospital bills because of insurance), the same thing is happening in the automotive industry; However, the authorities have not yet intervened.

Learn to recognize the common tricks these scammers use so you don’t become the next unfortunate victim.

Some drivers take advantage of accidents (no matter how minor) to demand more money from others. Such opportunistic drivers are easy to spot: they often ask you for a benefit (usually a lot of money), and if you refuse, they submit it to your insurer.

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In addition to the cost of repairing the car, you should especially consider the fact that someone is “creating false personal injury reports where personal injuries are grossly exaggerated.” It has also been identified by the General Insurance Association as an example of car insurance fraud in Singapore.

My husband and I have had two accidents recently, and each one plays out differently.

My husband recently had an accident where someone tried to claim S$42,000 without a kiss. It has taught us many lessons, and I hope our experience will help prevent others from suffering the same fate.

You can also see any damage on both cars (rear for the black car, front for the silver one):

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How I started to suspect that the other driver had dishonest intentions was the way he behaved at the scene of the accident. She took pictures of my husband’s NRIC, but refused to give my husband a copy of hers, and would not allow my husband to take pictures of his passengers in the car for ‘personality reasons’.

Only after receiving a letter from his lawyer did we understand why he did something so suspicious at the scene of the accident – because of his requests for $10,000 and $13,000 to his passengers, along with photos and videos. .

A 2017 insurance fraud study found that one of the easiest accidents to fake for auto insurance claims are sprains and strains claims. In our case, the other party attempted to claim $18,000 on this basis.

The irony is that, as an aside, I had originally included that man’s company on our list of interior design firms to work with, but this accident made me see the dark side of that man’s character. the same. The ethics for their customers imply that they need to be renewed, so we have misled them forever.

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Side note: A friend of ours was involved in a car insurance fraud case where someone tried to claim several thousand for “whiplash” (another medical condition that is difficult to prove) and “loss of money.” Do you see a similar pattern emerging?

Even if you have dashcam footage of the accident, how can you compete and prove that their so-called accidents don’t actually exist, or are exaggerated beyond a reasonable doubt?

In my husband’s case, a repair that was just over a year old was also used. This was a big mistake that we could not avoid, because once the other party goes to an unauthorized car workshop, there is no time left.

A few months later, another accident occurred, when a taxi driver collided with my husband’s car in a parking lot. It wasn’t just a light ‘kiss’; A deep impact could be heard. In this case, the weaknesses are clearly visible:

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When he got out of the car, the first words out of the taxi driver’s mouth were: apologies, we will then ask for more money from his insurance. He looked shocked and said that in such accidents, fraudulent drivers usually file thousands of claims against him and his insurance.

‘Are you injured? Please don’t do this to me,” she begged. I wondered how many times he had met such decisive drivers before he became so involved.

My husband assured him that he only wanted the damaged part of the car, and not for something like an accident or a complete replacement of the car.

$4000 for the left side of our car that was damaged and left blue paint on its cab.

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$42,000 for a light kiss where you didn’t see any damage versus $4,000 for an accident where a taxi hit us and flipped our car.

As we learned from my husband’s mistakes, we found important information to help prevent something like Accident 1 from happening again in the future:

Your best bet is always the video from the dash camera, so make sure you have one set up and active.

If you are involved in an accident, always take as many photos of the vehicle and all occupants as possible.

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You can call me Kiasu, but I will also video the cars, driver and passengers involved in the scene. Here are some “unusual” suggestions:

If you are using the Aviva model, you can check out their list of authorized car repairers including ComfortDelgro Engineering Pte Ltd, Tan Chong Motor Sales Pte Ltd and Kah Motor Co. Including names like Sdn. Bhd.

Once an unauthorized workshop comes into the picture and helps carry out many driver repairs (many of which are not the result of an accident), there is nothing you can do from here to reduce the claim.

I spoke to Aviva’s car manager about how he deals with such claims, especially if he suspects it’s a scam due to the prevalence of such tactics, and this is what he said:

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SGBB: How does the insurance industry deal with such claims? How can such crazy inflation be acceptable? Chua: The industry is dealing with high or fraudulent claims by ensuring that all drivers involved in an accident must file an accident report within 24 hours of the accident. It should be clear that a certain level of inflation is legal for negotiating purposes. But a large price increase can lead to fraud. SGBB: How does Aviva deal with such allegations?

Chua: Aviva handles the growing number of claims by subjecting all claimed vehicles to an inspection by a professional motorcycle expert to ensure that the claims are in accordance with the accident report. Another way we help our Aviva Prestige customers is by calling us immediately and accessing our online accident service, and we have our own accident response staff who will be at the scene of the accident within 20 minutes to assist us. With an independent insured party, the incidence of an increased claim will be reduced.

Chua: Yes, there are situations where the claimant rejects the insurance offer because he wants more. They will often work with their vehicle inspector and with an attorney to litigate the case, which increases costs. A legal process in which a joint expert is appointed by a judge to assess the cost of repairs and decide on the final payment amount.

SGBB: I understand that unauthorized workshops also contribute to the increase in these types of cases, especially when the driver takes the opportunity to make major modifications to the car, because he can then apply for a loan from someone under the guise of “accidental damage”. How can we prevent it?

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Chua: Ultimately, it all depends on public education about how a driver should respond when an accident occurs. We advise the driver not to go to an unknown training or recommended accident location. The cost of repairing most cars in Singapore is so high that after the repair we cannot tell whether the car has been involved in an accident. However, if there is an opportunity to argue, they want everything new. In some cases, our insurers may consider a private settlement, as a full claim will always be more expensive.

SGBB: What advice do you have for drivers in the event of an accident? Chua: Never be angry at an accident. Remain calm and report all available evidence

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