San Antonio Military Divorce Lawyer

San Antonio Military Divorce Lawyer

San Antonio Military Divorce Lawyer – Although divorce is never easy, a divorce involving military personnel can be particularly complex and present unique issues and nuances not present in other cases. As a longtime military divorce attorney in San Antonio, Jennifer Esproncida understands these various challenges and has the knowledge, skills and experience to help you and your loved ones overcome them.

If you or your spouse are military, you face a challenge right at the start of your divorce: Which state should you file for divorce in?

San Antonio Military Divorce Lawyer

Since military personnel often move around the country (or even the world), you may be far enough away from a place where you can legally get married. If you or your spouse recently moved, your living circumstances may be different.

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So where to submit? When you file for divorce, you file in the state where you currently live – even if it is not your spouse’s state. For example, if you currently live in San Antonio, Texas and are filing for divorce from your husband in Arizona, find a military divorce lawyer in Antonio and file your papers right here in the Lone Star State.

As a military divorce attorney in San Antonio, Jennifer Esproncida has experienced a number of unique challenges and challenges in military divorce cases.

As you can see, military divorces present a variety of unique challenges and issues. Do you want to ensure that your family, assets and interests are protected? Contact Espronceda today! He is an experienced military divorce attorney in San Antonio who will guide you through every important step of the divorce process. The Texas military divorce lawyers at Sawyer & Morgan Law understand that divorce can be emotionally and financially difficult. But it’s even more true for military members and their families, who face challenges that other families cannot understand. Even a simple question, such as where to file for divorce, may not be clear. Military benefits, custody arrangements, and other issues common in military divorce cases must be carefully considered to protect your family. You need an experienced Texas military divorce attorney to guide you through your complex divorce process and protect your future. Our Texas military divorce lawyers understand the complexities that can arise in the divorce process. We will help you protect your interests and take the necessary steps to develop a reliable solution that works for you and your family.

Suarez & Morgan Law proudly represents military families and their service to our country. Sometimes the stress of deployment and war takes its toll on our military families. If this happens and you find that there is no other way to solve the problem, we are here to help you. Our Texas military divorce lawyers are here to help you and your family navigate military divorce or child custody issues involving military members. Whether you are an active military member or a retired military member, contact us. We stand ready to do our part to preserve the rights and privileges you and your family have earned through the sacrifices you and your family have made for our country.

Best San Antonio, Tx Military Divorce Attorneys

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When you retain the services of Sawyer & Morgan Law, you can rest assured that your Texas military divorce attorney is fully qualified to handle your case. Let our Texas military divorce lawyers work with you to resolve your legal issues.

In a military divorce, the estranged spouse often lives around the world rather than in the party member’s actual “home state.” Call us if you would like to know where to apply. Let our Texas divorce lawyers at Soyars & Morgan Law guide you through the complicated process to ensure you file in the right place.

Devoted Texas Military Family Lawyers Here For You

If you or your spouse served in the military, you can file for divorce in Texas if:

Texas resident or spouse working outside the state/county. While you or your spouse is serving in the armed forces or other services of the United States or Texas, time spent in Texas is considered time spent outside the state or county as time spent in Texas and at the place of residence.

A non-resident of Texas serves in Texas. If you or your spouse served in the Armed Forces of the United States and (1) served at one or more military installations in Texas in the past 6 months and (2) served at a military installation in the County of Texas in the past 90 days If If you do this, you are a resident and resident of Texas to file for divorce for those periods.

All branches of the military require a military member to provide financial support to a non-military family member if they are separated. The amount of financial support depends on whether the couple has children or not and which branch of military service they are in.

Divorce Lawyer San Antonio, Tx

If you are married long enough, your non-military spouse can keep their health insurance for up to a year after the divorce, or in some cases, until your non-military spouse remarries. If you are married to a military member who has at least 20 years of service, the military member has served at least 20 years, and the marriage and service have ended for at least 20 years, then non-military is allowed. . Health insurance benefits after divorce. An important side note is that children of military members often retain their right to health insurance after a divorce.

Another important difference is that military members can grant their families joint custody of children. Please note that the visit schedule does not change. It’s exactly the same; It is only used by family members of military personnel of their choice. If you are a service member, it is important to include this language in your final order. If you are not a military member, it is also important that you specify which family member can take over in the final order. Call our Texas divorce lawyers so we can make the process easier for you!

Yes. Military members can gain custody of their children like any other parent. However, depending on the circumstances surrounding the service member’s status in the military, certain accommodations may be necessary to ensure the best interests of the child or children.

No worries! According to the law, we can apply for a residence permit for the duration of divorce/childhood proceedings. Please call Sawyer & Morgan Law immediately so our Texas military divorce lawyers can file for a continuance and help you develop the best plan for your family.

My Base Guide

Geographical restriction language is often included in a final divorce decree or custody order. The geo-restriction requires a primary parent. or that the child’s civil parent lives within certain geographic boundaries (e.g., Bexar County, State of Texas, etc.).

Regardless of whether the spouse or primary parent is military or non-military, it is important to ensure that the court does not impose a geographic restriction in the final decision that will prevent you from visiting your child(ren). Although this may be aggravating in some cases, if a military member knows that he or she is at “last place of duty” and requires both parents to be in that country, or he or she, subject to geographic restrictions, in the state ” “caught” can be. Last order.

If you are a military member or married to a military member and need experienced family law advice, we can help. Contact our Texas military divorce lawyers to schedule a confidential consultation. Soyars & Morgan Law will thoroughly review your case, discuss your concerns, and answer any important questions you may have regarding the divorce process.

For in-person meetings, our offices are conveniently located in downtown San Antonio. Would you prefer to communicate with us virtually? We would be happy to “meet” you via video conference or telephone. However, a general understanding of how the process works can reduce time, cost and emotional stress. While you can follow the same process and procedures as a registered married couple when filing for divorce, special legal issues may apply.

Divorcing Your Spouse While Serving In The Military Abroad

In general, military thoughts are separation

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