Personal Injury Lawyer Garden City

Personal Injury Lawyer Garden City

Personal Injury Lawyer Garden City – If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, a Buffalo truck accident attorney from Cellino Law can help you file a claim for damages against the truck driver, the trucking company, or both. We can also help you identify other defendants who may also be responsible for your injuries. Truck drivers can be held liable if they are negligent, if you show that they violated safety laws or if you show that no reasonable CDL driver would have acted as the truck driver.

Trucking companies can be held liable based on the negligence of their employees because they are considered to be acting on behalf of the company. If the company itself fails to implement or enforce reasonable policies to ensure public safety, such as conducting thorough pre-rental vehicle inspections, the company may be negligent in its rights. This will also make the company liable for your injuries. In many cases, insurance policies taken out by trucking companies have higher limits, which means more money to pay for damages. Our personal injury law firm in Buffalo can help you decide on the best course of action.

Personal Injury Lawyer Garden City

Truck accidents are more complicated than accidents with passenger cars. Therefore, victims should always consult a Buffalo car accident attorney who has experience with such complex cases. Here are some of the reasons why truck accidents are so common:

Luling Personal Injury Lawyer

Our attorneys will travel quickly after a truck accident to ensure that records and other evidence are properly preserved. We will seek a court order to locate the remains and ask companies to provide their truck’s EDR (Event Data Silver) or “black box” records of the truck’s behavior prior to the accident, along with any other available information, such as Video systems.

We will also conduct interviews with other employees of the trucking company and third parties, who may be able to provide further information about the negligent actions that contributed to the accident.

For serious accidents, we can seek the help of forensic experts and accident reconstruction consultants, who can help determine the cause and effect of the accident. Along with providing a comprehensive report based on physics and engineering principles, the experts will also provide witness testimony and re-enactments to show the court and jury what happened.

Like car accidents, commercial truck accidents are often caused by driver negligence or error. Sometimes truck drivers cause accidents by taking illegal or unsafe actions, such as running a stop sign, making an improper lane change, or failing to yield the right of way. Sometimes it can be as simple as failing to look properly or long enough and slipping into the path of oncoming traffic.

Garden City Truck Collision Claims The Life Of Bicyclist

These are the most common causes of truck accidents. This is according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which regulates the entire trucking industry. It is understandable how fast driving in normal conditions, such as heavy traffic or bad weather, makes it difficult to stop in time or slow down to avoid a collision. Traffic jams and speeding often cause rear-end collisions with trucks.

FMCSA says it’s “carelessness/distraction,” and it’s the second most common cause of many truck driver accidents. Any form of distraction, such as texting while driving, is an ongoing problem even though it is labeled as dangerous and regulations have been implemented to prevent the use of mobile devices while driving. Inattentiveness also means thinking about something or daydreaming, which causes the driver to ignore the vehicle’s performance while behind the wheel.

This is often due to spending too many hours behind the wheel, often exceeding FMCSA service hours. Sometimes this is the driver’s choice, although often the driver is ordered by the employer to stay on the road to meet the deadline and avoid a scheduled break.

This is more common in the commercial trucking industry than in drunk driving due to the fact that commercial truck drivers are more likely to be tested for alcohol. Many truck drivers who have been involved in accidents have been found under the influence of cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamine, which they use to stay alert and continue to drive for long hours. At the same time, some truck drivers may be unaware that overdosing on certain medications can cause drowsiness and other side effects that affect their ability to drive. Although rare, drunk driving accidents also occur in the trucking industry.

Dell & Dean, Pllc

In a truck jackknife (where the trailer and cab suddenly slide apart like a jackknife) or rollover accident, investigators will examine whether shifting the load could have caused the accident. When cargo is not properly secured or improperly packed, it can move or come loose, shifting the truck’s center of gravity. This can cause a jackknife crash, rollover or simply cause the truck to lose control and ultimately result in an accident.

In addition to the dangers of moving loads, truck accidents can also be dangerous for other drivers, who may hit fallen loads or have to avoid hitting the truck and crash. Hazmat (hazardous material) spills can also cause a variety of damages, including personal injury and contamination of waterways.

Although vehicle-related factors play a greater role in truck accidents than human error, it is possible. Accidents can be caused by the failure of the tires, brake system, wheels, drive train, lights, linkage system and many other components of the vehicle. In a 2010 study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), inspections after truck accidents found that more than half of them had at least one mechanical problem that violated FMXA regulations, and more than 30% had at least one problem that caused their Vehicle to be taken off the road. Trucks can also cause accidents due to malfunctioning systems or parts, or lack of proper maintenance.

Sometimes, lack of proper road maintenance or road design contributes to accidents. For example, overgrown trees or vegetation in intersections can obscure visibility, or neglected potholes can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle and crash. Local and state highway contractors may be responsible for road conditions that contribute to truck accidents.

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When contractors set up areas for scheduled road maintenance or construction, they must follow proper protocols that provide adequate warning to drivers and delays, accompanied by barriers and adequate space between workers and the road. The design of the work zone should take into account the additional distance required for trucks to reduce, as well as the expected traffic, high-speed traffic, etc.

As the common causes of trucking accidents show, personal injury claims can seek compensation from the trucking company, the truck driver and/or other parties such as the government, the loading contractor or the subcontractor or tortfeasor. Truck parts.

At Cellino Law, we have a team of qualified and experienced trucking attorneys who will thoroughly investigate your accident and determine who is responsible.

Passenger cars do not match the weight and size of commercial trucks. A fully loaded truck can weigh more than 80,000 pounds, while most cars weigh 3,000. As a result, injuries to vehicle occupants can be serious and often fatal. Because there is a high chance of serious injury to passengers, trucking companies are required by law to have a comprehensive insurance policy.

Camden Personal Injury Lawyer

These types of injuries require intensive, long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Buffalo truck accident attorneys will work hard to get you and your family the best possible compensation for your injuries and damages.

The New York Times recently reported that more people will lose their lives in traffic accidents involving large commercial trucks than in all domestic airline crashes in the past 45 years. In the latest truck crash study, the FMCSA determined that more than 98,000 people were killed or injured in truck crashes in 2013 alone. According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, more than 5,000 people were killed or injured in 2014 by large trucks in New York State.

In the United States, more than 130,000 people and more than 5,000 people are killed in truck accidents each year. About 35% of these injuries can be classified as serious. Large machines or trailers weighing more than 10,000 pounds

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